call now 503-400-5607

High Resolution LED Signs

Family Owned & Operated  // Located in Salem, Oregon

Because seeing is believing


Scroll this image to SEE the difference for yourself. Want to see the magic in person? Call today! No obligation, no pressure – we will bring one of our patented LED displays to you and let you pick our brains as long as you want.

changing the LED Standard

Let us prove it to you

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Feeling nervous or overwhelmed when considering the steps involved in getting an LED sign? We understand. It’s a big investment, a worthwhile investment. GDTech is here with you EVERY step of the way, from your vision through to manufacturing and installation. You can rely on us to answer and take care of all of your questions and concerns. We have spent years customizing our experience to be turn key. Plug and play. We will hold your hand through the entire process and go to battle for you.


Call now 503-400-5607

and be stress free in 30 minutes


We will give you a FREE CONSULTATION with our in-house Salem architect regarding local permits, your concept and code regulations. We will hold your hand through the entire process and go to battle for you.

GDTech’s LED Displays are built like no one else’s. In fact, every year with the other guys, your pixels are dying out at an alarming rate.

Don’t diminish your image!

1/3k bulbs are defective as the industry standard. That’s 17 dead pixels for every 2ft of feet of sign. Yikes! No thanks.

GDTechnology boasts a mere 1/100k defective bulbs in comparison – because we’ve got your back.

And this adds up: Here’s what that looks like over 5 years.

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We’ve done the math, so you don’t have to. Get in touch and we’ll bring the magic to your front door.





1855 Hawthorn Ave. SE   ///

Salem, OR 97301  ///


M F – 8AM – 5PM   ///

Closed on weekends  ///

We respect your privacy and will never share your information with anyone. Promise.

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