Why Buy a GDTech LED Sign?
The Difference with GDTech LED Signs
At Global Dynamic Technology, we specialize in selling high-resolution LED signs and giving our customers the very best buying experience, from the first inquiry to installation.
Why buy a GDTech LED sign over another LED display on the market? What sets us apart from the competition? We believe our product and our process are the best you can find.
We are confident that our signs are the highest quality in the market due to our high-resolution capabilities and our materials. With 11 patents, we are on the cutting-edge of LED technology and are relentless in our pursuit of advancement.
There are a few key technological factors that truly set us apart from the industry-standard LED sign manufacturer:
We have done away with the clunky fans formerly needed to keep LED signs cool. Instead, our signs are made with NASA-grade aluminum, creating a heat sink that effectively releases heat from the signs without the need for fans. This is in contrast to the industry-standard sign that relies on multiple internal fans to keep components from overheating and burning out.
Aluminum also ensures that our signs are waterproof and able to withstand the elements, including coastal conditions – no other sign can stand up to salt corrosion the way a GDTech sign can. While the industry standard high resolution LED signs have a pixel pitch of 10 mm, our standard is 6 mm.
Not only does aluminum help with cooling and waterproofing, it also keeps our signs looking sleek and professional. Our rigorous, high qualifications for materials ensures that our signs are brighter and last longer than the competition.
With our in-house team of code reviewers, graphic designers, architects, and accountants, we make the entire process of buying an LED sign as smooth and as stress-free as possible. This is because we have every element needed for the sign creation process right inside our own team. From the initial consultation to construction, we are committed to working with our customers and seeing them succeed with LED signage.
We start our process with a code review of the proposed area for the sign. Next, our graphic designers and draftsmen create a mockup directly catering to the needs and location of the business. After review, we change our designs to the specifications of the customer.
Our process ensures that GDTech LED signs are unique and tailor-made to match the business we are serving. We are passionate, driven, and won’t stop until we get the job done. GDTech is an invested partner in the process of buying and installing an LED sign.
See the Difference
Do you believe that seeing is believing? So do we. That is why we are offering a free consultation with our licensed architect to talk about how LED signage can serve your business specifically.
Want to see the GDTech difference? Contact us for a free consultation with our architect today.